Google for Gate Keepers

Google Sheets

Snack Bar Tickets Purchased

Used to record when snack tickets purchased online get picked up.  The online form feeds into this sheet.

AM Aqua Aerobics

PM Aqua Aerobics

Record payments made at the gatehouse for Aqua Aerobics in the spreadsheet that cooresponds to the class being registered, AM or PM.   When you are typing an enrollment into the bolded line then the class has reached max capacity.  Please inform the park manager, treasurer or admin so they can turn off the online form and take the button off of the square favorites.  The online from feeds into this sheet.

Add Member

Used to record any new members that are paid at the gatehouse.  You must inform the park admin or treasurer so they can update the members account with the new member info.

Crab Feast Tickets

Used to record Crab feast ticket sales.  Once tickets are available for pickup the gatekeeper can record who picked them up and when.  The online from feeds into this sheet.

Square.mvpa Google Drive



View the Square Dashboard to get information for your deposit

  1. Login to with your email and password
  2. view the dashboard to see totals


Last Shift of the Day

 Run and save the Sales by Tender and Item report

  1. On the left menu select “reports”, then scroll down to select “custom reports”.
  2. Make sure the date is set to today’s date, the next field should be set to “all Day”, and the third field should be set to “summary”.
  3. To save the file, while in Square:  Select “export” (at the top right).   The report will be saved to the “downloads” directory on the laptop.  Now switch browser tabs to the Daily Gatehouse Reporting tab.   Next, open the file explorer (looks like a folder) from the bar at the bottom of your computer screen, select the “downloads” directory then “Drag and Drop” the Sales by Tender and Item file with today’s date to the Square.mvpa Google drive that is open in the browser in the background.
  4. Logout of Square.

In Case there is no browser tab open to  Click here on Daily Gatehouse Reporting which will open a browser window to the Google Drive where gatekeepers should store their daily Square report at the end of the evening.